Creating a welcoming team environment that we look forward to daily is ideal, right?
If you are a new to managing a team looking to hire your first team member, creating a welcoming environment to work in is key. Human capital is the #1 resource that you can have. Your team should have the tools and a welcoming environment for them to succeed, and in turn help you achieve as well.
A welcoming environment is not just the office environment its self, it is also the culture and support provided. Especially now that we are in the remote-first culture.
Read on for the key things you can start doing today to help your team feel welcomed whether they are in-office, hybrid or remote.
1. Create a comfortable office environment.
The culture and environment you create for your team can impact their mood and performance. Set up a great atmosphere with comfortable chairs and desk, especially if they are only there a few times a week. Give them the option of having standing desks, exercise ball or a comfy sofa if they are working from a laptop.
If you have a remote company, make sure your employees have the proper ergonomic office equipment in their workspace. No office? A simple workspace with comfy seating they can work in is acceptable. The key is to make sure your team is comfortable in their office surroundings and in turn can increase their productivity.
2. Make sure your employees are well compensated.
Your team will help them feel more valued when they are fairly compensated for the job. Performance reviews are no longer needed in the traditional sense but having employees know on a regular basis they have appreciated impacts performance. An increase in pay won’t make them perform at a higher level, but it will give them motivation and increase commitment in your company.
Always check the pay compensation in their area and compare it to their compensation to make sure they are being fairly compensated. Take into account the cost of living in the area as well.
There are other ways you can keep compensate your team as well.
- Offer more vacation time: Teams appreciate an extra day off – in addition to their allotted time off that can be offered as a thank you.
- Extra training: Offer to pay for a training workshop. There are great online workshops to help employees learn new skills. Choose one that can benefit both; they can use their new skills to help them boost their skills and benefit the company.
- Bonus: If you have a great year, consider giving them a bonus. Many times employers take for granted how a small unexpected bonus can make a difference to a team’s bottom line.
3. Give them flexibility with their schedule.
Do they have to take their kids to school or leave early for an appointment? Be flexible.
More, and more companies are giving their teams autonomy with their time, and their performance is results driven, not time spent. If your teams are producing results, let them have some autonomy.
To keep it a consistent and fair for all team, give clear terms and set time guidelines for all. For example, if you need all employees to arrive by 9:00 am and stay until 2:00 pm, let them know. Or if you have an online company and need all team to work a minimum of 30 hours, be clear. A clear line of communication and guideline will keep everyone accountable.
4. Encourage breaks.
Stress can cause employee burnout and increase turnover and animosity within a company. Encourage everyone to take a break every 1-2 hours. A 5-10 minute break can help them clear their minds, and when they return to their work, it is easier to focus.
Having snacks and water and tea to hydrate also helps keep their energy and memory levels up.
5. Have clear target goals.
Set clear goals and defined company culture for your employees to keep them motivated. Give them the opportunity to have a voice and feel heard. This will give them a feeling of ownership and want to participate in the company’s success.
- Keep the goals in line with the company’s strategy and they are transparent to understand.
- Have a way for everyone to track the progress.
- Have a way to reward employees.
Remember, when teams go to work, if they don’t feel comfortable there, it is not fun or productive in the long run!
If the environment is monotonous, they are just looking at the clock to go home. Instead, take the time to ask for feedback. Pick a few of these ideas and listen to them! Not all may apply, but the difference a few of them makes on them can affect the productivity and motivation they have.
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